And if it so be that ye should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
Doctrine & Covenants 18:15

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Day in Hong Kong . . .

May 21, 2009, Thursday

So this week is interesting. Just ask Dad. He got the e-mail with the low down. I told Sister Mander you said hi. She says hi back. So the weather here is about 25-30 degrees C and it's 85-90% humidity. Crazy huh? We have air conditioning so it's not soooo bad. So how is the perfume coming along. That's very interesting. If I were to wear perfume here the bugs would bite me more often, I guess. Ya, we have had several discussions and they are fun, also a little difficult because I don't speak the language very well. I keep getting to introduce my family, my house and some of my friends. It's fun. I can at least do that. So at church on Sunday, some people were fighting over where I should sit. Each person wanted me to sit with them. I finally sat down and called it good. For now when I teach a lesson I use my Cantonese as much as possible even if I can't say much. It still helps to add a testimony and double testify. Ya the food is good here. We eat a lot at home so I get to pick what I want to eat. Anyway, I got the brown envelope you sent me. I loved it. Thank you. ;) I will e-mail Jonathan and tell him to check his e-mail.

Love Rachel

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