And if it so be that ye should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
Doctrine & Covenants 18:15

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Never a dull moment at the MTC! . . .

April 1, 2009, Wednesday

Alright, so I don't know what to tell you this week. I mean so many things have happened. Sister Peck, my companion, left for Hong Kong on Monday. Sad day, I thought I was going to cry but I didn't. I admit I do miss her to some degree. Now it's just me and the Elders. Next Wednesday we will get a new set of 5 Elders in the other Cantonese district. We will also get one other Elder in the Cebwano district. This Elder is going to the Philippines. Apparently he is Tongan or something. Polynesians and Tongans are awesome and nice people. Anyway, how are things at home? I thought Jonathan was going to go to UVU. I mean, why SUU? Nothing wrong with the school, just curious as to why he picked what he did. You know? Anyway, so I realized that the burgers here are making me sick. They make me feel slow and tired all the time. I kinda stopped eating this food. I now eat a lot of chicken. Oh by the way, funny story. So the other day we were in our classroom praying, me and the Elders. So Elder Loong is praying (things always happen when he prays) and some huge Elder walks by and lets it rip. Not a silent but deadly, but a loud RIIIIPPPP! So as we were praying we were laughing so hard. We stopped the prayer and then laughed for another 30 seconds then continued on. Another funny story. So yesterday, the Elders and I were at the devotional. We have devotionals from General Authorities every Tuesday and also on Sunday. The Sunday devotionals are not from General Authorities, they are from people who work at the MTC. Anyway, I'm sitting with the Elders when all of a sudden the worst thing happened. Someone lets it rip. This time this person does a silent but deadly fart. Man, I thought I was the only one who could smell this since I am closer to the ground. Well I turn to one of the Elders who is 6 foot 3 inches in height and he says he smells it too. I tell him it's not me. He says ok. Eventually, the person in front of us farts again. We figure it is someone who is sitting in the row in front of us. So after about the 4th or 5th fart the Elder sitting next to me says "Geez, stop letting it rip." Man I think it embarrassed the person who was farting. Anyway, just some funny stories you might want to share with Jonathan. Hope you have a great day. Tell Jonathan to look in the mailbox at school, I left him some mail. Hope he gets it or has already gotten it. Tell Dad I say hi and thanks for the dearelder. It was super sweet of him.

Love you lots,

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